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Dear Devotees

Vegetarian Times journal published a list of chemicals which is produced by killing animals( from animal source ) . This list I i found before a few years ago , in Back to Godhead .so if you find these numbers on surface bhoga food they are contaminated by a demoniac substamce

E120, E140, E141, E153 , E161 , E161G , E252 , E280 , E322 , E385 , E4O4 , E422 , E430 , E431 , E432 , E433 , E434 , E435 , E436 , E450 , E470 , E471 , E472 , E473 , E474 , E475 , E476 , E477 , E478 , E481 , E482, E483 , E491 , E492 , E493 , E494 E495, E509 , E516 , E526 , E540 , E542 , E545 , E552 , E570 , E572 , E623 , E627 , E631 , E635 , E904

Ca-Stearet,Emulsigens,enzymes,fatty acids,gelatin,Ma-stearat,mono digliceridi,monostearat,stearic acid,oliac acid,oleinn,palmatin,palmatic acid,polysorbates,rennet,stabilizers,stearic acid,stearin,tween,glycerol,glicinae,glyceral triacetat,leucine,oxistearin,spermaceti,vitimin D3

Maha Prassadam Ki jaya
Yours Dvija Haridasa